Seeking VHPro 4.0 or other good Help authoring tool
(too old to reply)
2004-11-24 22:54:18 UTC
Hi there !

I'm looking for some good Help authoring tools, what's the best
nowdays ?
I used to use VH by WinWare, and hoped to buy their latest version 4.x
but to my horror I just found out they closed the door.

If anybody is still using VHPro I appreciate any info how to get it,
I'm willing to pay $$ for a copy.

Pete Lees
2004-11-25 08:02:33 UTC
I'm looking for some good Help authoring tools, what's the best nowdays ?
Among professional authors, the most widely used tools are probably
RoboHelp, Doc-To-Help, AuthorIT, Help & Manual, and WebWorks Publisher. For
information on and reviews of these tools, see:


If these tools provide more features than you really need (or are more
expensive than your budget allows), then you may want to try out a few of
the freeware/shareware tools available from the HelpMaster site

If you're considering creating HTML Help (.chm) files then I'd recommend
trying out Microsoft's free HTML Help Workshop. Not only will this give you
an understanding of the underlying file formats but you may also find that
it's not as difficult to use as some people sometimes claim, especially if
you author your content with an HTML editor like Dreamweaver or FrontPage.
This page may help you to get started:

Pete (Microsoft Help MVP)
2004-11-25 20:06:43 UTC
Thanks Pete, it'll help.
Although I'm really unhappy to hear that I have to learn yet another
tool :-(, VHPro was really good comparing to MS tools available at
that time, and I'm surprised to hear they closed the door.

