On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 23:42:10 +0100, "rusking"
Post by ruskingI thought I'd worked out a way to stop spammers reading my address on here
but they can still see it. How do I remove sender from details?
[Note: this is the wrong newsgroup for this query; it's intended
for people who create online help for Windows programs.]
AFAIK Outlook Express doesn't create a "Sender" header, so I
assume its addition is a policy imposed by your BBC news
(Also AFAIK) spammers' address-garnering bots do not yet pick up
the contents of a "Sender" header, but until the Swen worm
started using it, people always thought that an un-munged
"Reply-To" address was safe, too.
Regards Peter Boulding
***@UNSPAMpboulding.co.uk (to e-mail, remove "UNSPAM")
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