How that was made? (The Contents&Search&Favorites are white! And the active litle yellow)
(too old to reply)
2004-09-15 21:17:53 UTC
I just discover some day's ago what a help file at a program have
non-standart colors.. PLease see here
Loading Image...
When i run it from the program help menu the tab is
white&yellow(active tab), when i run the chm file manualy it is like
other(just uly grey).
Anyone know how can i run(whih what parameters?) to have same colors
at the tab menu(in the chm help file) ?

Pete Lees [MVP]
2004-09-16 19:07:14 UTC
Post by Adrenalin
I just discover some day's ago what a help file at a program have
non-standart colors. PLease see here
http://www.members.lycos.co.uk/mdlogs/chm/ChmHow.png When i run it from
the program help menu the tab is white&yellow(active tab), when i run the
chm file manualy it is like other(just uly grey). Anyone know how can i
run(whih what parameters?) to have same colors at the tab menu(in the chm
help file) ?
The crucial factor here is the application used to open the help file. If
you open the file from an application that has been "themed" -- that is,
designed by the programmer to automatically adopt whichever Windows desktop
theme the user has chosen -- then the help viewer will also be themed. This
is the case with the left-hand example in your screenshot, to which the
Windows XP theme has been applied. The same would be true if you were to
open the help files associated with Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, or
Windows Media Player -- all of which are themed applications.

However, if you open the help file from an unthemed application, or if you
open it by double-clicking the filename in Windows Explorer (which just
passes the request to hh.exe, an unthemed executable), then you'll get the
standard grey tabs. It's possible to theme hh.exe by creating a file called
"hh.exe.manifest" and dropping it into your \Windows directory. The contents
of this file are as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">

You should find that all the HTML Help files on your system adopt the themed
look once you've created this file.
Pete (Microsoft Help MVP)
2004-09-21 13:48:21 UTC
Thank you a lot ! Work perfect! Now i understand..

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